Let's use the library

Bókasafn Menntavísindasviðs

Let's use the library

For students


Students - different people have different needs

The School of Education Library is open for all students at the University of Iceland. The materials and service is aimed at the needs of students of The School of Education, Sport and Health Sciences, Leisure Studies, Education and Pedagogy, and Developmental Therapy Theory.

The student body is diverse, with many different and individual needs. Some people are experienced when they start their studies, while others are starting out again after a long period away. The library staff strives to assist students in a way that can be of most help to them. We offer courses in searches and the use of information. In collaboration with teachers we offer presentations on the scope of our services, how to perform searches, and other useful work for introductory courses. In addition, students can ask for the assistance of a librarian when doing searches, whether it be at the library or in databases on the internet.


Information service


Get help with information gathering / finding sources

A librarian is on duty at the information desk weekdays between 09:00-15:00 hrs and will assist you with searches for sources. This assistance is mainly in the form of pointing out ways to search and teaching how to use them, e.g. handbooks, reference books and E-resources.


You can also book a time on the web.

boka radgjof



The library is a specialist library in the field of teaching, parenting, care and training and is aimed at the needs of students and staff at the University of Iceland. Students and university staff members use the library free of charge, others must pay a modest annual subscribtion. All people are welcome to visit the library during opening hours and make use of books and other materials on site.


Most books in the library have a general circulation period of 30 days. These books are shelved in a section named Regular books (Almenn rit).

The circulation period of books shelved in the section named Teaching materials (Kennslugagnasafn) is also 30 days

In the Shorter loans section (Skammtímalán) we keep material high in demand, or that which is listed in specific courses. The circulation period for shorter period loans is as follows:

  • Register (Afgreiðsla) (with a red sticker) – exclusively for use inside the library (ask at the register).
  • Reading room loan (Lestrarsalslán) (yellow sticker) - exclusively for use inside the library.
  • Over-night loan (Næturlán) (yellow sticker) – to be returned at nine o´clock the following morning, at the latest.
  • Three day loan (þriggja daga lán) (gray sticker)
  • Week loan (Vikulán) (green sticker)

Handbooks and reference books for use inside the library or in the school building have a red dot on the spine. Books that are only for use inside the library have a larger yellow sticker with the word Lestrarsalslán on. Books that are marked with a larger red sticker - Afgreiðsla -are kept at the information desk and are only for use inside the library.

Note: Books on shorter period loan and reading room loan are shelved in the same section.

Library patrons can renew their loans by signing in at Mínar síður (Sign in) on the website lbs.leitir.is. You find the Sign-in tab in the upper right corner. Patrons are able to renew material on 30 day loan (Almennur lánstími) up to three times. This is only possible if no one else is waiting to use the same book. Sign-in (mínar síður) is a place where you can look at your loan history, ask for an item to be put on hold, see which books you have ordered and check if you have any library fines. You can see a further guide for Sign-in (mínar síður) under leiðbeiningar á leitir.is (directions for leitir.is) and leiðbeiningar á Gegnir.is (directions for Gegnir.is).

Short term loans are not as easily renewed.

Patrons can also ask for a renewal by e-mail, send to menntavisindasafn@hi.is, or ring in and ask directly at 525 5930. Please remember to put your name and ID (kennitala) in the mail.

The School of Education Library can supply its patrons with photocopies of articles that are not available at the library, as well as books from libraries abroad or libraries outside the Reykjavík vicinity. Every interlibrary loan must be booked through lbs.leitir.is.

Placing a request for an interlibrary loan 

When asking for an inter library loan, the user must sign in using his/her/its username and password in lbs.leitir.is and choose ILL request


The library user must pay a fee for this service, according to a price list. Lending period for books from foreign libraries is usually three to four weeks. It is important that the return date be honoured. Patrons must pay the fee a second time if they are ten days late with the return. The lending period can sometimes be extended, but you must contact the interlibrary loans department of the library with a request before the end of the loan period. If the library pays a fine due to a late return, the patron will be asked to pay it back in full.


Interlibrary Loan waiting period

  • Photocopied articles usually arrive within 3-7 days
  • Waiting period for books may vary, from 7 days up to several weeks.
  • If urgent you can ask for a speedy delivery, but such service is much more expensive than regular service. For further information call 525 5929.

Ordering an Interlibrary Loan is binding. Expect a fine for not picking up material.

The manager for Interlibrary Loans is Helgi Sigurbjörnsson (tel 525 5929), e-mail: mennta-msl@hi.is